No matter when we decide to reform our ways, at the New Year, when the seasons change, or on a birthday; it’s never a quick shift.
On average it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a habit to root itself into our neural pathways. So we have at best several weeks to almost a year before we might see any sign of an alteration that has a natural rhythm to it.
And without a perfectly controlled environment, at any given time, external life happens. Maybe our intentions have been wreaked by the demands of work or perhaps something stressful has sent us back to our comfort zones.
Slowly, that voice that generates feedback may take a turn down a dark alley and start sounding like:
This is never going to work.
I’m not strong/good/smart enough for this.
This is too hard.
Internally, it’s not just the power of our “why” or how much desire we have to achieve something. It’s not that we lack the creativity to be resourceful. It may not even be how much funding we have to throw at the task at hand….
Our inner self-talk has a direct correlation to our success or demise. It is the main source that informs our attitude, motivation, our beliefs in our capabilities, and the overall vision for what we believe our life can look like.
If we can pause, reflect, and reframe that narrative to be kinder and more patient then it gives us a better chance at sticking to our plans a little longer. Instead try:
Remaining flexible takes strength and courage.
Taking a small break is still an improvement from where I started.
Every day is not going to be ideal to meet my objective and that’s okay.
We are our own goalkeepers. We determine what thoughts get in and what gets swatted away. Ultimately, no one is keeping score as to how many times we’ve tried except for us. Tell the app to, “Eff off!” Hit snooze on that alarm of potential failure.
The more malleable and experimental that we can allow our mindset to be is the backbone of what will enable us to endure what it takes to realize any and all of what we’re looking to accomplish.
** ❤️ this post if this resonated with you…**
Thank you for this!