Assignment: Humanity - Your Digital Hug is Here!

In 1711 Alexander Pope noted, “To err is human….”

This digest is about embracing and finding some sort of acceptance for all the foibles in our humanity when we err: the flaws that flared at the worst time possible, when “awry” is the nicest description for what unfolded, or despair has descended upon us and we’re shackled in POG (Prison of Gloom)1.

AH’s Mission:

To help others discover the “AH”… the release, understanding, and forgiveness that we’re all seeking on our journey to self-acceptance.

By cultivating the practice of mindfulness we help awaken our awareness so we can be more conscious of the emotions, judgements, and habits that keep us stuck in unhealthy places.

Our thoughts build-up; at first as a light stream, then a steady river, and eventually they can be a turbulent ocean, barrel-rolling us into heightened attitudes and dramatic reactions.

And if we don’t take some time to examine and question them, they can lead us to conclusions and responses that damage our confidence, our relationships, fuel our fears, and steer us away from our authenticity.

Because as humans, this is one of our biggest assignments while we’re here - taming and comprehending our superior cognitive ability.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is about being present enough to notice how our thoughts are creating our feelings, ideas, and opinions, which ultimately informs our reactions.

By learning to examine our internal world we discover how to be genuinely empowered rather than at the whim of ignorance.

Your Companion & Creator of AH

I’m lockstep with you. I used to be unconscious. Here’s my original essay from when I started my journey of working on being a better person…

Together, let’s learn to be kinder to ourselves and others as we all navigate this messy, complex journey of what it means to have a human experience.

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That place with all the dark, heavy feelings that weigh us down, “Prison of Gloom” (aka POG). POG is a rough situation to be in as we’re not sure how long of a sentence we’re serving out, we’re chained to a weighty mood, and this joint can be hard to break out of.

Being trapped in this space can send our imagination into a free fall, creating fictional scenarios for how our livelihood could be threatened or demolished.

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Offering a place to find understanding, forgiveness, and humor for our err’ing human ways…


It's my intention to create content that helps us to develop a more compassionate understanding and a higher awareness for ourselves and others, as we travel along our unique paths toward finding truth, purpose, peace, and love.